Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Tips for cleaning the bathroom

Tips for cleaning the bathroom. Clean the bathroom is a tedious task and it takes time for all the space is spotless and clean. It is essential to keep the bathroom in good condition that will prevent the formation of fungi and bacteria.

That is why, in this post I'll leave a list of tips on how to clean the bathroom and make the job easy:

Vinegar against watermarks

Vinegar is a very effective way to remove the marks caused by the water in the bathroom element. Currently you can find a lot of products to disappear water marks and limescale.

If you do not have enough money to buy these products, do not worry. All you need to do is to use natural products that are specific to deep clean the bathroom space. One of the most used natural products to clean the bathroom, is vinegar, because it has a great cleaning power

You can use just white vinegar or vinegar kitchen and do the following: a scrubber medium take two cups of water and two cups of vinegar, then try to mix both ingredients until blended completely.

Then apply the mixture on the walls, faucets, bathtubs or rather on surfaces where the water marks and lime. Let the mixture act two or three minutes, then rinse with water and dry with a soft cloth.

Tips for cleaning the bathroom

Remove mold

The bathroom is a place where there is excessive and constant humidity, it is also a place where mold can form. The mold must be removed immediately from your bathroom, because if you spend much time, this can cause odor and mushroom production. A very simple way to remove mold from your bathroom, is doing the following:

In a deposit take two cups of warm water, a half cup of vinegar and a piece of soap. Expect soap melt in the mixture and then stir all ingredients with a stick or a spoon.

Pour the mixture into an aerosol or spray and apply to areas where mold is found. Let the mixture act about five minutes, in areas where it can not rub or apply the mixture, use a toothbrush and finally rinse with water.

cleaning the bathroom

Tile cleaning

Tiles or tile your bathroom should keep them very clean. The tiles can be easily cleaned, only have to use one cup of white vinegar or cooking and mix it with another cup of water. Both ingredients should be integrated completely, then apply with a soft cloth on the tiles. It is advisable to let the mixture act on the tiles about three minutes, then sobe gently with a cloth and try to remove any stain or dirt that is accumulated on the tiles. Finally rinse with water.

If not use ammonia vinegar is an effective product to clean the tiles well, but always try to use very carefully, because it is a highly corrosive product. To avoid problems, try to get better white vinegar.

Tile cleaning

Well, I hope these tips on how to clean the bathroom are very useful and you can gain home a super clean and spotless bathroom.

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May 28, 2016 at 12:29 AM Delete

[…] you start decorating, you should do a deep cleaning your bathroom and get rid of everything you do not need, so that your bathroom clean and well ordered. Everything […]
