Saturday, February 27, 2016

Decorative Accessories Discover what your bathroom

Decorative accessories are essential to decorate any decor in any part or area of ​​the home. But in the bathroom they are even more important, because in this environment must not only provide aesthetic but they also have to provide functionality. Remember, functionality is very important in the bathrooms, whether small or large.

Then I leave a list of tips that you should always keep in mind with decorative accessories. Therefore, it is very important that you follow these tips, acertarás that way with them and ce will complete your bathroom style.

1. The first tip you should always keep in mind that many people forget is that the accessories have to be consistent with the rest of the decor. Color, style, sizes, etc. Most people think that such small elements do not matter much, because they are very wrong, because these details are really relevant. If you do not choose decorative accessories that go in line with the rest of the decor, that's for sure hacharás the rail decoration work.

Decorative Accessories Discover what your bathroom

2. Consider the colors of decorative accessories. If your bathroom lacks space, it is advisable to use accessories that really are of the same color, not overwhelm or reload the environment. You can even use accessories that are neutral colors like gray, white or beige. In those larger spaces, you can use more colors, with a maximum of 3.

3. Learn to draw a box for storing small items. Prepares a practical accessory with a decorative box or a beautiful accessory box where you can store small objects in your bathroom. We talk about boats, creams, containers, etc. In this practical accessory you can put inside those little bath and therefore will generate order in space, which is very important for a cozy decor.

tips Clean the Bathroom

4. Use natural plants decorating your bathroom. If you want to give your bathroom a fresh, natural touch, you have to decorate it with some plants that are natural. Besides natural plants give your bathroom a special touch, they are good to create an environment where breathe freshness, something that is essential for windowless bathrooms. Eye, you choose plants that are special to interior, ie plants that do not require lots of natural light.

5. Put beautiful pictures with images that inspire naturally. If your bathroom walls are empty, you can supplement them or decorate them with cute pictures with images that really inspire naturally. Obviously the frame color or style of it have to be consistent with the general air of the bathroom.

feng shui bathroom decor

6. Installa beautiful and elegantmirror.In abathroommirrorsshould nevermiss. The mirrorsplay important roles inthe bathroom,not onlyserve tolook, combing hair ormakeup,but also helpvisually expand thespace.Ojo, a bathroom without a mirrorreallylacksmeaning.So, please colorevenone ortwo mirrors.

7. Do notforget theorder and cleanliness. The orderand cleanliness areveryimportant factors ininterior decoration.So, it is vitalto havein yourbathroomfurnitureor itemswhereyou canstore orsmall thingsyou always use. For example;Itis highly recommendedthat you elaboratepractical accessoriesorpurchasefurniturewith drawers.

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Decorative Accessories Discover what your bathroom
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February 29, 2016 at 6:55 PM Delete

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