Friday, May 20, 2016

Decorating a small bathroom economically

Decorating a small bathroom economically. Mostly for decorating small bathrooms it is a great challenge, whether to choose the perfect color, the right furniture and elegant accessories.

Properly and harmoniously to decorate a small bathroom, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money. I recommend that you only implement the following ideas, that will be enough to create a warm and relaxing bath.

He paints a layer of color on the walls. To instantly brighten the bathroom space is ideal paint the walls. It is very important to choose colors that best suit your color scheme that you like. For example; semi-gloss paints are charming for the walls of a bathroom, because they are paintings that last long, provide a good shine and are easily cleaned.

Try to create a sense of space. To achieve this goal, only you have to place on top of your bath a molding. Around the edge of the wall on the ceiling, you can paint a trellis or other design to make the area look spacious and the bathroom look bigger.

Decorating a small bathroom economically

Give him your bathroom a touch of fast and economical design. This is essential for the bathroom look elegant and stylish. For that, you only have to replace the accessories of the walls, furniture or cabinets, so that all the decor look harmonious and welcoming. Always keep in mind, the accessories must be in harmony with the theme of your bathroom.

Add A nice shelf to the wall. The shelves are inexpensive and look great in bathrooms that lack of space. Always try to place a rack that fits the width of the wall you want to decorate. You can place a shelf above the toilet. To make the most use of that space, it is advisable to place shelves that reach to the ceiling.

Place a large mirror. The mirror is a decorative accessory, not only is responsible for giving modern style to your bathroom, but also makes the space look wider visually. To achieve this, it is not necessary to buy an expensive and ornate mirror, you can be achieved by simply placing a normal mirror. It would be better to opt for a simple mirror and has bevelled edges, with that better will open space.

small bathroom economically

Place In the windows of the bathroom a beautiful sheer curtains. This type of curtains are special to let natural light into the bathroom, and successfully decorate the environment. Avoid placing in your bathroom windows colored curtains and dark designs, as only succeed block light and as a result get a dark bathroom. Always try to choose curtains that are resistant to moisture and water.

Try To get for your bath a soft light. Soft light is vital for a bath not only helps to enhance the elegance of the furniture and accessories, but also allows us to make daily activities without any difficulty. What is always recommended use of natural light and night to try to have an artificial lighting is soft. Avoid in your small bathroom, blinding white light.

Tips for small bathrooms

Go for a minimalist approach with accessories. To prevent your small bathroom look cluttered, crowded, do not place many accessories. Is better than only put the essential and primordial.

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Decorating a small bathroom economically
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