Tips for ordering the small bathroom. Have a room large or small bathroom, the organization is as fundamental as in the kitchen. Most of the products are used daily in the bathroom and find them quickly have to keep them tidy.
Therefore, we recommend organizing your bathroom. If you do not know how, do not worry. Here I leave some tips:
1. Examine
Before you start organizing your bathroom, it is very important that you know what you have in the. First you have to remove from the shelves and drawers all products. Then thoroughly review each of the products and vote to trash those that are expired. Also you have to vote away the products not used in weeks, since surely have a bad odor.
2. Get rid of the unnecessary
Then check all that fit in your bathroom. If you see hotel has free products or throw them away because they are only taking up space in your bathroom. If your bathroom has many candles or decorations, decide if they, you are required or are simply taking up space. The same should be done with the extra towels you have in that space. In your bathroom you should only have the essential and most important, especially if your bathroom lacks space.
3. Hangers and Shelves
On the walls of your bathroom that are free, I suggest you put shelves and hangers, thus increase the storage space. For example; if you place a shelf above the toilet will be something decorative and functional. On the shelves and hangers can keep hair products, bath towels and decorations.
4. Baskets
To hide small products, especially those who do not know where to store them, then use baskets. The baskets not only serve to keep things, but also decorate the space. To save tapes of hair or makeup use a small basket. To save towels and laundry use a large basket.
5. Divisions drawers
Where else they lose things are drawers. Therefore, it is better to use divisions for drawers, that way will be easy to organize products by categories. You can also do the following; keep the products of each family member in a division or simply be separated by product type.
6. Magnets
Magnets are special to organize objects that are metal and always keep them close at hand. Place on the wall a long, thin magnet, and metal objects hang next to each other. Eye, the magnet must be placed on an empty or near the main mirror wall. If you like placing a magnet, you can paint a cabinet with metallic paint.
7. Organize the shower
In your shower you can put baskets, where you can store sponges and other light objects. Just as you did with the other bathroom, the shower products that are unnecessary and expired should throw them away, with that win more space. If hair products take up much space and not store them in your shower, rather store them in drawers or shelves out of your shower.