Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Ideas to decorate a bathroom for Christmas

Ideas to decorate a bathroom for Christmas - Decorating the bathroom for Christmas is very easy, simple and fun, you just have to have creativity and desire to make the decor inside the bathroom.

Not only do you have to decorate the bathroom but also all the room in your home. But today I will teach you how to decorate a bathroom for Christmas, so put a lot of attention and take note of the ideas.

The bathroom is a place that many neglected decor and do not decorate for Christmas. You should do the opposite, to decorate and care for every detail, so that your bathroom look warm and relaxing.

Read this interesting article, because then I will detail some ideas to decorate a bathroom for Christmas. So take note.

Ideas to decorate a bathroom for Christmas


1.The first thing to do before starting the Christmas decorations in your bathroom, you take all the decorative accessories that have your bath and keep in drawers or in a closet.

When your bathroom completely this life if, that is, if decor, start placing ornaments that have the touch of Christmas. I advise you choose to use ornaments of red, green and gold colors, but always try to get the color matches the color of the walls.

2.It is also very important to decorate the edges of the main mirror that is in your bathroom, for that you use a pair of stencils or a foam spray. With the spray you buy you can also decorate the screens.

What do I do with the spray? With the spray you can do Christmas drawings and to enhance the decoration. For example; you can draw a Santa Claus or other embellishments to revive the Christmas spirit.

Ideas to decorate a bathroom for Christmas3. If you have curtains in your room bathroom because you have to remove them and replace them with those curtains that have funny pictures or just to be a color to represent Christmas.

If you have the opportunity to buy Christmas curtains, you do not worry. You just need to buy curtains that have funny drawings and at least brighten your bathroom space.

4. If you do not want to make the curtain that you have in your shower do not, but if you make it a more cheerful and fun design. For that, you must comb with a special paint or even some stencils.

With space paint or stencils you must achieve to draw or form in the shade drawings representing Christmas.

Ideas to decorate a bathroom for Christmas5. We also recommend that you try to change the towels and soap for some who have a Christmas design. So you get to a more festive atmosphere to your bathroom tap.

Ideas to decorate a bathroom for Christmas6. Finally, you have to keep the aroma of your bath environment with some scented soap. You can use aromas of blueberry or cinnamon fragrances that are well suited for decorating your bathroom into Christmas.

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Ideas to decorate a bathroom for Christmas
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