Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tips for organizing your bathroom

Tips for organizing your bathroom. Before starting to organize the bathroom, it is very important that you know exactly what you have in that space. First you must absolutely take all products from the shelves and drawers, then proceed to check one by one and throw away the garbage bin products that are expired.

Get rid of the unnecessary. Check all that fit in your bathroom. If you have in your bathroom free product samples or hotel, I suggest you throw them away, because they only take up space. If you have in your bathroom many decorations or candles, decide whether they are needed or are just taking up space. Do the same with extra towels. Only leave your bath towels using then, especially if your bathroom is small.

Hangers and shelves. On the walls of your bathroom that are free, place shelves and hangers, that way will help increase the storage space. Is a great idea to place a shelf above the toilet, it will be functional and decorative. Especially the hangers and shelves should be used to store hair products, bath towels and decorations.

Tips for organizing your bathroom

Baskets. To store small items, especially those who do not know where to keep them, use baskets. The baskets not only serve for storage, but also decorate the room. To save the makeup or hair ribbons, use small baskets. To save the dirty towels and clothes, opt for the baskets are great.

Divisions drawers. Where most things are lost in drawers. So, it is better to use dividers that are special to organize all products by category. In a separate division products of each member of family or just separate the products by type.

organizing your bathroom

Magnets. The magnets are highly recommended to organize metal objects, and keep us close at hand. For example; in one of the walls of your bath place a magnet that is long and thin and hang objects next to each other. Especially the magnet should be placed on an empty wall or too close to the main mirror. If you do not like using magnet, you can paint a cabinet with metallic paint.

Organizes the shower. In the shower should always be placed baskets to store light objects and sponges. To have more space in the shower, throw away all products that have expired. If hair products take up much space, I recommend you store them on a shelf or drawer out of the shower.

organizing bathroom Tips

A color for each person. If all your family uses the same bathroom, I advise you implement a color code. Choose a color for each member and make sure that your personal belongings, towel and toothbrush are the same color. That way each person will find their things easier and you will know who his family leave their things on the floor.

Save extra products in a closet. Mostly extra products, like towels or toilet paper, take up much space in the bathroom. Therefore, it is best to keep them out of the bathroom in a closet, it can be in a room or hallway. Make sure the whole family knows where to make extra saving products and avoid confusion.

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Tips for organizing your bathroom
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