Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Ideas for decorating the bathroom in black

Ideas for decorating the bathroom in black color. Today we'll talk about ideas for decorating bathrooms in black color, so I recommend you pay close attention and do not miss these ideas to decorate your bathroom in black color.

It seems strange to decorate a bathroom black color, but many like and really modern and elegant decor is also every day is more understanding. Many opt for the general rule that says "bathrooms should be decorated in white, green or blue." But we are going to ignore this rule, because we decorate our bathroom with a bold and different color: black.

The black color is a color that conveys elegance and modernity, so if you use this color to decorate your bathroom will be adding an additional point of elegance and modernity. The only problem that can arise when using the black color in your bathroom decor, is that being a color too dark, it is possible to obscure much the bathroom environment. Therefore, you should consider the following tips to decorate the bathroom in black:

Ideas for decorating the bathroom in black

The bathroom walls

If you choose to decorate your bathroom in black, you have the possibility to choose different patterns or colors for the walls. For example; if your bathroom is spacious and bright, you can choose black color tiles cover the walls. Otherwise your bathroom is not very bright or large, ideally magazine walls with white tiles or black tiles can be combined with white tiles.

Currently on the market there are many models and different colored tiles, just choose the one you like and try not to darken too the bathroom environment. My last recommendation is to choose white tiles and use to coat the walls, that way your bathroom will be cozy and relaxing.

The bathroom floor

The soil should be chosen according to the option you have chosen for the walls. For example; if the walls have a marked black color, the soil should be white or gray. Likewise you can choose tiles with abstract compositions or combining both colors.

The bathroom walls

The bathroom accessories

Supplements are essential elements for the bathroom. Especially supplements are responsible for giving the bathroom a special touch and at the same time help illuminate more. Curtains, towels or any other supplement are recommended for a more modern and elegant style.

Essential elements of bathroom

In a bathroom you can not miss items such as toilet, sink, shower or bath, these items can be of different colors. If for example; bathroom walls are dark or black, is ideal choice toilets and showers are white. The sink should also be white. The important thing is to find a proper balance between the elements and colors.

Essential elements of bathroom

Bathroom lighting

Remember, the black color is dark, so if we use this color to decorate our bathroom, we must pay close attention to lighting. General lighting has to be white color and the darker areas of the bathroom put some points of light. It is also important that the bathroom has one or two large windows through which natural light can enter. In the windows install light curtains that are light colored and especially that are resistant to moisture.

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Ideas for decorating the bathroom in black
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