Friday, May 13, 2016

Design ideas for a small bathroom

Design ideas for a small bathroom. In this post we will learn to maximize space, especially in the design of bathrooms lacking space. So, I recommend you write down and implement the ideas for designing a small bathroom.

1. Light colors. All light colors are perfect and highly recommended to decorate the rooms lack space. These colors it can be used on walls, furniture and some decorative accessories. If you do not like to use paint to paint light colors, do not worry. All you need to do is buy pottery or tiles that are light colored.

Light colors help create not only amplitude, but also make the room look relaxed and open. So, I recommend you choose the light color you like best and paint the walls of your bathroom. The light color most used in decorating small spaces, is white.

Design ideas for a small bathroom

2. Lighting. Lighting is a point we should never forget, because thanks to it succeed in creating a relaxing, warm bath. There are two types of lighting: artificial and natural. For the day is recommended to use the light of nature and the artificial night. To take advantage of natural light, it is essential that the bathroom has two or three windows to enter the outside light without problems.

It is also important to place curtains on windows that are made of lightweight or sheer fabrics and light colors. Remember, the curtains have to be quality and moisture resistant. The colors of these have to harmonize perfectly with the walls and furniture. Do not make the mistake of placing on windows small bathroom curtains heavy fabrics and colors, as your bathroom will look smaller than it is.

For artificial lighting we have to buy lamps and spotlights that give a good light. Especially this type of lighting is recommended for toilets, shower and mirror because they are areas where requires good lighting. On each side of the mirror must put two lamps or recessed spotlights and the center of the ceiling or roof and put a large lamp that will be enough to illuminate every corner.

Tips for small bathrooms

3. Save some money. Saving money on decorating a small bathroom is simple and easy, but we must use our creativity and intelligence. The easiest way we have left some money in your pocket is placed along a wall in the bathroom the toilet, the sink and the shower.

4. Large Health. This type of health are perfect for large bathrooms, because they require a lot of space to place them properly. As much as you like big health do not put in your small bathroom, because it would take away space and environment will be recharged. Is better than health are small and functional. For a bathroom that lacks space, whites are very good health, they do not go out of fashion and reflect clarity throughout the environment.

Tips small bathrooms

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Design ideas for a small bathroom
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May 16, 2016 at 6:22 AM Delete

[…] Decorating a bathroom is very easy, you only know that colors used to paint and thus prevent the bathroom environment seem small or very dark. For that, then I mention the best colors to paint or decorate the […]
