Friday, May 13, 2016

Plants ideal for decorating the bathroom

Plants ideal for decorating the bathroom. Today there are many natural plants ideal for decorating a bathroom, thanks to the foliage of plants the bathroom space will look elegant and very presence.

Irrigation. The best way to water indoor plants is by immersion, because this type of irrigation does not wash the substrate. Watering by immersion is: put the pot in a fuentón full of water for a few minutes when the soil is wet remove the pot from fuentón note.

What is always recommended that water to water should be filtered rain or free chlorine. It is also very important to spray water with a spray on the foliage of plants, especially in summer, so that you will avoid becoming dehydrated.

Ventilation and temperature. It is extremely important that houseplants have good ventilation and a suitable temperature. This does not mean that your bathroom enter drafts, as this can damage or mistreat plants. Therefore, it is better than your bathroom has one or two windows and when not using the bathroom leave windows open.

Plants ideal for decorating the bathroom

Lighting. For plants develop and grow properly, it is very important that they get some natural light. There are special plants for spaces with little natural light, but there are also plants that do not tolerate the lack of natural light. So, for your bathroom should choose houseplants and require little natural light.

Anyway, to houseplants should never be put directly to sunlight as they can wither or die. I, I recommend you paint the walls of your bathroom light color, since these colors are essential to absorb and reflect natural light for the plants received and processed.

Location. Mostly the plants can be placed in the place you like, but always try that can harness some natural light.

Natural plants bath

Bathrooms with good natural light. If your bathroom has good lighting you can put any houseplant like. The African Violet is not recommended for interior decorating, because it is a plant that requires twelve hours of daylight to achieve flourish.

Bathrooms in low light. For bathrooms that have little natural light, ferns, asparagus and Ivy are recommended. These plants are suitable for hot and humid environments, and do not require much light to grow. These plants can be placed on the ledge on the sink counter, at the feet of the tub or can put in baskets and hang them from the ceiling.

Plants ideal decorating the bathroom

Tip: If the bathroom has little natural light, can solve. All you need to do is place a large mirror opposite a window, that way you will achieve reflect natural light into the area where the plants are located.

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Plants ideal for decorating the bathroom
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